Name: ‘ . $_POST[“contactname”] . ‘
Email: ‘ . $_POST[“contactemail”] . ‘
Comments: ‘ . $_POST[“comments”] . ‘
add_filter(‘wp_mail_content_type’,create_function(”, ‘return “text/html”; ‘));
if(wp_mail(‘’, ‘Find Illinois Jobs: ‘ . $_POST[“subject”], $meEmail)){
echo ““;
//Show Form
$myForm = ‘‘;
$myForm .= ‘
I want to hear from you! Whether you have information on job fairs or businesses that are hiring or if you ‘;
$myForm .= ‘have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me below.
$myForm .= ‘
Also, please make any suggestions for changes you would like to see on the website. If there is ‘;
$myForm .= ‘something that will help you find a job, I will be happy to add it.
$myForm .= ‘
$myForm .= ‘
Mailing Address:
Find Illinois Jobs
1985 Westview
Round Lake Beach, IL
echo $myForm;